CS 321 (401)
Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Marcus Schaefer

Latest additions

The Class Grades are online.

(For scores on your final and the last homework send me email.)


Course Description

This class will introduce you to the basic concepts and techniques of algorithm design and analysis.

We will cover sorting and searching, graph algorithms, greedy algorithms, dynamic programming, and the theory of NP-completeness.


Classes and office hours

Classes meet TTh 3:10-34:40 in Lewis 1109.

My office hours are before class: TTh 2-2:50.

During that time you can find me in the CTI building, room 740.

If you want to set up an appointment at another time, or simply ask a question,

send email to mschaefer@cdm.depaul.edu.


The required text for this class is

Sara Baase:

Computer Algorithms; Introduction to Design and Analysis, 2nd edition, Addison-Wesley.


We will cover material from chapters 1, 2, 4, 6 and 9. Time permitting we will also have a look at chapters 3 and 5.


Assignments will be available through this webpage. Homeworks are due at the beginning of class. Homeworks handed in later than 10 minutes after the beginning of class will be counted as late. 20% of the points will be subtracted for each late day.



Homework 1


Homework 2


Homework 3


Homework 4

not to be handed in,

discussion on 10/5/99

Homework 5


Homework 6


Homework 7


Homework 8


Homework 9


Mock Final

class discussion 11/16/99


Questions and Answers

There is a HyperNews forum for questions related to the CS321 class. There you can talk to other students and ask questions.

You have to sign up as a member to post messages to the forum.

Grades and exams

The final grade will be made up as follows:


  Midterm: Thursday, October 7th, 1999..

  Final: Thursday, November 18th, 1999.

General Policies


The university and school policy on plagiarism can be summarized as follows: Students in this course, as well as all other courses in which independent research or writing play a vital part in the course requirements, should be aware of the strong sanctions that can be imposed against someone guilty of plagiarism. If proven, a charge of plagiarism could result in an automatic F in the course and possible expulsion. The strongest of sanctions will be imposed on anyone who submits as his/her own work a report, examination paper, computer file, lab report, or other assignment which has been prepared by someone else. If you have any questions or doubts about what plagiarism entails or how to properly acknowledge source materials be sure to consult the instructor.



An incomplete grade is given only for an exceptional reason such as a death in the family, a serious illness, etc. Any such reason must be documented. Any incomplete request must be made at least two weeks before the final, and approved by the Dean of the School of Computer Science, Telecommunications and Information Systems. Any consequences resulting from a poor grade for the course will not be considered as valid reasons for such a request.

Marcus Schaefer
Last updated: October 21, 1999.