Scientific Computing
CSC 331/431
Technical Books
Scientific Computing
Michael Heath, McGraw Hill, 2002
. The web-page contains slides and other materials, e.g. some interactive examples:
Rounding versus Truncation
Floating Point Systems
Rounding Rules
Quadratic formula
Condition number
Ill-conditioned systems
Polynomial fitting
Low rank matrix approximation
Bisection Method
Fixed Points
Newton's Method
Secant Method
Multivariate Newton
Golden Section Search
Successive Parabolic Interpolation
Newton's Method for finding local minimum
Steepest Descent
Newton's Method for local minimum in higher dimensions
Interpolation errors
Newton-Cotes Quadrature
Adaptive Quadrature
Monte Carlo Integration
Numerical Differentation
Richardson Extrapolation
Euler's Method
Error Estimation
Backward Euler Method
Stiff ODEs
Taylor Series Method
Runge-Kutta Methods
Scientific Computing with Case Studies
, Dianne P. O'Leary, 2009.
What Every Computer Scientist Should Know about Floating-Point Arithmetic
(by David Goldberg)
Temperature of a Healthy Human
(how we got to 98.6)
Calculus review
Matrix Review
Software bugs
(some of them related to floating point arithmetic)
Linear Algebra in numpy (Python)
Automatic Differentiation Tools
Marcus Schaefer
Last updated: January 22nd, 2010.