Spatial Databases
CSC 543
Books and Tutorials
- Spatial Databases, a
Tour; Shashi Shekhar, Sanjay Chawla, Prentice-Hall, 2003.
- Spatial
Databases with Application to GIS; Philippe Rigaux, Michel Scholl,
Agnes Voisard; Morgan Kaufman, 2001
- Spatial
Databases, Technologies, Techniques, and Trends; Michael Gr
Vassilakopoulos, Apostolos N. Papadopoulos, IGI, 2005.
- Pro Oracle Spatial, Ravi Kothuri, Albert Godfrind and Euro Beinat ,
Apress, 2004. (Available at Books 24x7 through the library.)
- Spatial Database
Systems (tutorial), Ralf Hartmut Güting
- Encyclopedia of
GIS, Shekhar, Xiong, 2008.
- OGC (Open Geospatial
Consortium, the spatial standards group)
Software and Documentation
Marcus Schaefer
Last updated: March 23rd, 2009.