Final Project (due 11/22)
[A Chicago scene] Your task is to build a scene centered around a Chicago
topic. For example, you could pick a famous landmark (the Picasso sculpture,
Sears tower) or setting (the Chicago river, a park scene) but you can also go
for an interior scene ("waiting for the red line", "at the art institute", ...).
Your pick. On the technical side you should explore the main topics we saw in
class, and include:
- interesting geometry (such as CSG), feel free to use a modeler if you
know how to
- 3D texturing (including layered textures and bump maps)
- sophisticated lighting (soft shadows, etc.)
- procedural aspects (a while loop, for example)
(due 11/8): Draft of a story, with a scene description and sketch.
- The story draft (at least one paragraph) should describe what
happened leading up to the scene we see, it should not be a
description of the elements in your scene, but rather an explanation why
they are there together. Use this to describe the mood and setting of your
- Your scene description at this point can be simple; it should
describe the major models (whether you are constructing them yourself or
using a modeler) that you are planning to include, the setting (background,
etc.). While writing the scene description think about the technical aspects
involved, such as lighting, texturing, and procedural effects you are
planning to use.
- A sketch of the scene; a very rough sketch of the scene
explaining the positioning of the elements in your scene; if you are
artistically inclined, you can include details of light and shading.
(due 11/22): Final project
- your storyline, one to two paragraphs long (improved from the
earlier submission)
- a scene description (a detailed scene description)
- a technical description, explaining in some detail what
techniques you used to implement your scene; this description should discuss
the geometry of your objects (CSG, modeling), the texturing, the lighting,
and the procedural component you used.
- the POV-Ray file(s) creating the scene, and a .bmp render of the
Marcus Schaefer
Last updated: November 2nd, 2005.