Homework is due by class-time on Tuesday.
We covered material from chapters 4 and 5 of the textbook on illumination and shading, and Sections (Lathe/sor) and 2.5.3 (Finish) of the online POV-Ray documentation. Next week we continue with chapter 6 on texture mapping.
I uploaded two new examples of the use of the lathe object: lathe.pov, 3sidedvase.pov together with the other class examples.
1. [Reading Assignment] Read chapters 4 and 5 in Wolfe. 3D Graphics, A Visual Approach.
2. [TERA, 20pt] Answer questions 1-5 on pages 53/54 of the textbook.
3. [finish, 30pt] Answer questions 1-6 on pages 54-55. You will need the files
lights.pov and pawn.inc.
4. [POV-Ray, 50pt] Create a POV-Ray scene of a subject of your choice---in the rain.
Feel free to be as creative as you want to be. Grading will be both on technical issues and the quality of the end-product.
For questions asking for renderings, submit both .pov and .bmp files (either by email, or on disk).
Collect the answers to your written questions and submit them on paper
If you submit multiple items, please place them together in a labeled envelope
Make sure everything your submit (emails, disks, pieces of paper) is clearly labeled and contains your name