Homework is due at class-time on Thursday (9/27). Submit either a hardcopy or email it to me.
We finished talking about the basics of the relational database model (chapter 5, up to page 213, we will see the rest of chapter 5 later), and began SQL (chapter 7, skipping, for the time being, the DDL part; we will get back to it).
For the following homework you will need Microsoft Access, you can find it in the labs, or get a free license and software at http://www.cti.depaul.edu/resources/msdnaa.asp. Microsoft offers introductory tutorials on Access 2003 and Access 2007.
1. [Pine Valley Furniture, relational schema, 15pt] Draw a diagram with the relational schemas and foreign keys for the Pine Valley Furniture database, involving the following relations: employee, works_in, work_center, employee_skills, skill, produced_in, product, product_line.
The final diagram should be similar to Figure 5.5 (p. 194) of the book. In particular:
2. [Pine Valley Furniture] Write SQL queries to answer the following questions. Run the queries, and submit the queries as well as their output. (You can copy paste graphical output from Access; you can also use screenshots through CTRL/ALT/PRINT SCREEN).
3. [Pine Valley Furniture] Write SQL queries to answer the following questions. Run the queries, and submit the queries as well as their output.