Homework 6 (due
We talked more about set operations in SQL; after the midterm we will talk
about functions and grouping.
1. [Company SQL]
Write SQL for the following queries, and list the output
- [10pt] List employees whose supervisor is younger than they are.
- [15pt] List managers who are the oldest employees in their
- [15pt] List all employees that have a dependent spouse of the same sex
and a dependent child of the opposite sex. Hint: break this up into
pieces you can solve first.
2. [Henry Books] Write SQL for the following queries, and list the output
- [10pt] List authors who have published a book as both paperback and
hardcover. Hint: assume two books are the same if they have the
same title and author. There is no such book in the database.
- [15pt] List authors who have not coauthored a book. Hint: a
coauthor need not necessarily have a sequence number of 2.
3. [Extra Credit]
Write SQL for the following query in the company world:
- List the names of employees that work on all department 5 projects.
Marcus Schaefer
Last updated: October 13th, 2010.