The Internet and the Web
IT 130-902/910 (DL)

Marcus Schaefer

Latest additions

Week 10 examples are online

hw9 (extra credit) is online

final project requirements are online

Homeworks and Examples

Assignments will be available through this webpage. Homeworks are due on the day of class by midnight. If you hand in the homework late 10% will be taken off the score for each day. Homeworks will be accepted up to one week late.

Homework due
hw1 4/5 (DL: 4/6)
hw2 4/12 (DL: 4/13)
hw3 4/19 (DL: 4/20)
hw4 4/26 (DL: 4/27)
hw5 5/3 (DL: 5/4)
hw6 5/10 (DL: 5/11)
hw7 5/17 (DL: 5/18)
hw8 5/24 (DL: 5/25)
final 6/7
hw9 5/31 (DL: 6/1)
Week 1 shelley.txt (raw text file without markup)
first.html (our first web-page)
shelley.html (with markup)
Week 2 computers.txt (raw text without markup)
computers.htm (with markup)
loom.html (with minimal markup)
relative.html (with markup)
Week 3 poets.htm (minimal markup)
shelley2.html (pictures: inline, float)
table.html (basic table)
table2.html (rowspan/colspan)
the lab folder (with newpoets.htm)
Week 4 hw3a.htm (undreadable)
hw3b.htm (aggressive)
hw3c.htm (not bad, but unfamiliar)
shelley3.html (CSS overload)
shelley.css (style sheet for shelley3)
form.html (form)
ssp.html (server-side programs)
add.html (addition, for use with add.asp)
check.html (addition, for use with color.asp)
Week 5 click.html (Eventhandler/Javascript/DOM, window.alert)
hello.html (window.alert, variable)
color.html (prompt user for background color, window.prompt)
convert.html (input/process/output, arithmetic)

Lab examples
greet.html (concatenation)
convertCF.html (more arithmetic)
imgheight.html (accessing image properties

Week 6 changepict.html (change picture on mouse over and out)
randompict.html (displaing random picture, Math.ceil(), Math,random())
changecolor.html (using button, using functions, using form input, changing colors)
convertfct.html (temperature conversion using functions, using form input/output)
Week 7 tax1.html (income tax, if statement)
tax2.html (income tax, with more functions)
die1.html (throwing a die, onclick, function, parseInt)
die2.html (one function with parameter)

Lab examples
escher.html (original without Javascript)
escher1.html (rollover, three functions)
escher2.html (rollover, one function)
escher3.html (rollover, if statement)

Week 8 salestax.html (compute sales tax, parseFloat)
die3.html (several functions, library functions)
loc.html (location.href, if)
sqrt1.html (form validation, conditions)
sqrt2.html (form validation, with warning message, using ||)
sqrt3.html (form validation, using && and !)
sqrt4.html (form validation, best version, with sequence of checks and customized warnings)leap.html (nested ifs)
Week 9 salestax2.html (form validation)
die5.html (keeping count)
newgreet.html (setTimeout)
skull1.html (flashing skull)
skull2.html (setInterval, repeated flashing
ast.html (simple asteroids game-without asteroids)
clock.html (using a counter to implement a clock)

Lab exercises
ccn.html (more form validation, with submit();)
escher4.html (controlled growth)

Week 10 die6.hyml (for loop with fixed boundaries)
die7.html (for loops with fixed and variable boundaries)
die8.html (for loop waiting for condition [double])
collatz.html (Collatz problem, wait for condition to be true)
regexp.html (test your regular expressions)

Some sample regular expressions:


movie theat(re|re)

(for zipcode)

^\s*5(1|2|3|4|5)\d{2}((-| )?\d{4}){3}\s*$
(for Mastercard)

Questions and Answers


Classes and office hours

The in-class section meets W 5:45pm-9:00pm  in CS&TC 222 (CTI building).

My office hours are W 4:00-5:30 (Loop, CST 749) and Th 4:30-6:00 (LPC, room 4306 at 990 W. Fullerton).

During that time you can find me in the CS&T building, room 749.

If you want to set up an appointment at another time, or simply ask a question,

send email to


For general information (literature, course summary), see the class syllabus (902) or DL class syllabus (910).

Week 1-2

Internet, WWW, HTML

Week 3-4

More HTML, Design, CSS

Week 5-8

JavaScript and Dynamic HTML, Basic Programming Concepts

Week 9-10

Advanced Programming for the Web

Grades and exams

Homework: 40%, Midterm: 30%, Final project: 30%.

General Policies

Academic Honesty


An incomplete grade is given only for an exceptional reason such as a death in the family, a serious illness, etc. Any such reason must be documented. Any incomplete request must be made at least two weeks before the final, and approved by the Dean of the School of Computer Science, Telecommunications and Information Systems. Any consequences resulting from a poor grade for the course will not be considered as valid reasons for such a request.

Marcus Schaefer
Last updated: August 24th, 2005.