Mathematics for Computer Science
CSC 202-801/810

Marcus Schaefer

Latest additions


Week 8 notes are online: Figurative Numbers

Homeworks and Examples

Assignments will be available through this webpage. Homeworks are due at the beginning of class. There are no late homeworks (since we do solutions in class). However, I will drop the lowest homework score.

Homework due
hw1 4/9
hw2 4/16
hw3 4/23
hw4 4/30
hw5 5/14
hw6 5/21
hw7 6/4
  Notes, etc.
Week 1 Databases and Propositional Logic
university.sql (sample database for H2)
university.mdb (same database for Access)
Week 2 Databases and Set Theory
Week 3 Databases and First Order Logic (updated)
Week 4 Sorting and Searching in Databases
Week 5 Games and Puzzles
Week 8 Figurative Numbers

Questions and Answers


Classes and office hours

The class meets M 5:45pm-9:00pm, in Lewis 1507.

My office hours are MW, 4:00pm-5:30pm.

During that time you can find me in the CS&T building, room 749.

If you want to set up an appointment at another time, or simply ask a question,

send email to


The course will consist of three parts:
  • databases and logic,
  • puzzles and combinatorics,
  • cryptography and algebra.


There is no textbook for this class. Lecture notes will be supplied.

Grades and exams

Homework: 40%, Midterm: 30%, Final exam: 30%. Extra credit is counted separately.

General Policies

Academic Honesty



An incomplete grade is given only for an exceptional reason such as a death in the family, a serious illness, etc. Any such reason must be documented. Any incomplete request must be made at least two weeks before the final, and approved by the Dean of the School of Computer Science, Telecommunications and Information Systems. Any consequences resulting from a poor grade for the course will not be considered as valid reasons for such a request.

Marcus Schaefer
Last updated: March 21st, 2007.