Marcus Schaefer
Research interests: graph drawing, graph theory,
computational complexity, computability.
I obtained my Ph.D. degree in Computer
Science from
the University of Chicago
in June 1999 with Stuart Kurtz.
My Curriculum Vitae is available in pdf.
Graph Theory and Graph Drawing
RAC-Drawability is ∃ℝ-complete
and Related Results, Schaefer, Journal of Graph Algorithms and
Applications, 27(9), 2023.
Conference version in Graph Drawing 2021.
The Complexity of Angular
Resolution, Schaefer, Journal of Graph Algorithms and
Applications, 27(7), 2023.
Hanani-Tutte for Radial Planarity II, Fulek, Pelsmajer, Schaefer,
Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, P1.14, 2023 (earlier version
in Graph Drawing,
Hanani-Tutte and Hierarchical Partial Planarity,
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 36(4), 2022.
degenerate crossing number and higher-genus embeddings, Schaefer,
Štefankovič, Journal of Graph Algorithms and
Applications, 26(1), 2022.
A New Algorithm for Embedding Planar Graphs at Fixed Vertex Locations,
Schaefer, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 2021.
- Taking a Detour; or, Gioan’s Theorem, and
Pseudolinear Drawings of Complete Graphs, Schaefer,
Discrete &
Computational Geometry, 66, 2021.
- Strong Hanani-Tutte on the Torus,
Fulek, Pelsmajer, Schaefer, accepted to SoCG'21, 2021 (conference
- On the Complexity of Some
Geometric Problems With Fixed Parameters, Schaefer, Journal of Graph Algorithms and
Applications, 25(1), 2021.
- Complexity of Geometric
k-Planarity for fixed k, Schaefer, Journal of Graph Algorithms and
Applications, 25(1), 2021.
- A Proof of Levi's Extension Lemma,
Schaefer, Arxiv, 2019.
- Link Crossing Number is NP-hard,
de Mesmay, Schaefer, Sedgewick, Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications, 29(6), 2020.
- A Note on the Crossing Number of Spiders, Fallon, Hogenson, Keough,
Soberón, to appear in JCMCC, 2018.
Hanani-Tutte for Radial Planarity, Fulek, Pelsmajer, Schaefer,
Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications , 21(1),
2017 (earlier in Graph Drawing 2015).
- The Degenerate Crossing Number and
Higher-Genus Embeddings, Schaefer, Štefankovič, Graph Drawing, 2015.
- Multi-Sided Boundary Labeling, Kindermann, Niedermann, Rutter, Schaefer,
Schulz, Wolff , Algorithmica, 2015.
- Drawing Partially Embedded and
Simultaneously Planar Graphs, Chan, Frati, Gutwenger, Lubiw, Mutzel, Schaefer,
Special Issue on
Graph Drawing, 2015.
- A
crossing lemma for the pair-crossing number, Ackerman, Schaefer, Graph Drawing, 2014.
- Picking Planar Edges; or, Drawing a
Graph with a Planar Subgraph, Schaefer, Graph Drawing, 2014.
- Practical
Experience with Hanani-Tutte for Testing c-Planarity, Gutwenger, Mutzel,
Schaefer, ALENEX, 2014.
- Block Additivity of Z2 -embeddings,
Schaefer, Štefankovič, Graph Drawing, 2013.
- (last update: May 2024):
The Graph Crossing Number and its Variants: A Survey, Schaefer,
Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, Dynamic Survey 21, 2013; updated
May 2024.
- Toward a Theory of Planarity:
Hanani-Tutte and Planarity Variants, Schaefer, Graph Drawing,
Hanani-Tutte, Monotone Drawings, and Level-Planarity, Fulek, Pelsmajer,
Schaefer, Štefankovič, in Thirty Essays on Geometric
Graph Theory, Springer 2012.
Adjacent Crossings Do Matter, Fulek, Pelsmajer, Schaefer,
Štefankovič,Graph Drawing, 2011.
Hanani-Tutte and Related Results, Schaefer,
in Geometry-Intuitive, Discrete, and Convex, Springer, 2013.
Some Unexpected(ly) Open Problems, Schaefer,
Midsummer Combinatorial
Workshop, Prague, 2009.
Removing Independently Even Crossings, Pelsmajer, Schaefer, Štefankovič,
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 24(2), 379-393, 2010.
Crossing Number of Graphs with Rotation Systems. Pelsmajer, Schaefer,
Algorithmica, 60(3), 679-702, 2011.
The Complexity of Nonrepetitive Coloring. Marx, Schaefer;
Discrete Applied Mathematics, 157, 13--18, 2009.
Complexity of Some Geometric and Topological Problems. Schaefer,
Graph Drawing 2009.
Strong Hanani-Tutte on the Projective Plane. Pelsmajer, Schaefer, Stasi;
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 23(3), 1317-1323, 2009.
On the Induced Matching Problem.
Kanj, Pelsmajer, Schaefer, Xia;
STACS, 2008.
Odd Crossing Number and Crossing Number Are Not the Same. Pelsmajer,
Schaefer, Štefankovič, Discrete and Computational Geometry, 39 (1-3),
442-454, 2008.
Simultaneous Geometric Graph Embeddings. Estrella-Balderrama, Gassner,
Juenger, Percan, Schaefer, Schulz; Graph Drawing, 2007.
Δk-Confluent and Ok-confluent Graphs.
Pelsmajer, Schaefer, Stern; DePaul University Technical Report, TR 07-004,
Removing Even Crossings on Surfaces.
Pelsmajer, Schaefer, Štefankovič; Eurocomb, 2007. (Earlier version:
Removing Even Crossings, Continued, DePaul University Technical Report,
TR 06-016, 2006.)
Crossing Numbers and Parameterized Complexity. Pelsmajer, Schaefer,
Štefankovič, Graph Drawing, 2007.
Simultaneous Graph Embeddings with Fixed Edges. Gassner, Jünger, Percan,
Schaefer, Schulz,
WG, 2006.
Removing Even Crossings. Pelsmajer, Schaefer, Štefankovič, Journal of
Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 97, 2007.
Train Tracks and Confluent Drawings. Hui, Pelsmajer, Schaefer,
Algorithmica, 47(4), 465-479, 2007.
Decidability of String Graphs. Schaefer, Štefankovič,
Journal of
Computer and System Sciences, 68, 319–334, 2004.
Induced Graph Ramsey Theory. Schaefer, Shah;
Ars Combinatoria, 66, 3--21, 2003.
Solvability of Graph Inequalities.Schaefer, Štefankovič,
SIAM Journal
on Discrete Mathematics, 19, 728-743, 2005.
Complexity Theory
The Existential Theory of the
Reals as a Complexity Class: A Compendium, Schaefer, Cardinal, Miltzow,
2024. Arxiv version:
arxiv2407.18006. Bibliography file:
Beyond the Existential Theory of
the Reals, Schaefer, Štefankovič. Theory of Computing Systems, 2023.
Arxiv version: arXiv2210.00571, 2022.
The Complexity of Tensory Rank.
Schaefer, Štefankovič, Theory of Computing Systems, 2017. Arxiv version:
arXiv1612.04338 (fixes error
in the universality result).
Fixed Points, Nash Equilibria, and the Existential Theory of the Reals.
Schaefer, Štefankovič, Theory of Computing Systems, 2015.
Realizability of Graphs and Linkages, Schaefer, in
Thirty Essays on Geometric Graph Theory, Springer 2013.
The Graph Sandwich Problem for a coNP property. Schaefer, DePaul
University Technical Report, TR 06-011, 2006.
Parameterized Algorithms for Feedback Vertex Set. Kanj, Pelsmajer,
Schaefer, IWPEC 2004.
Completeness in the Polynomial-Time Hierarchy: Part II. Schaefer, Umans;
Sigact News, December 2002.
- (last update 8/23/08):
Completeness in the Polynomial-Time Hierarchy: A Compendium. Schaefer,
Umans; Sigact News, September 2002.
Strong Reductions and Immunity for Exponential Time. Schaefer, Stephan;
STACS 2003.
Recognizing String Graphs in NP. Schaefer, Štefankovič, Sedgwick,
Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 67, 365-380, 2003.
Deciding the VC-dimension is sigma_3 complete, II. Schaefer; DePaul
University Technical Report TR00-006, 2000.
Deciding the K-dimension is PSPACE-complete. Schaefer;
Conference on Computational Complexity, 2000.
Graph Ramsey Theory and the Polynomial Hierarchy. Schaefer,
of Computer and System Sciences, 62, 2, 290–322, 2001.
Simplicity and Strong Reductions. Schaefer, Fenner; University of
Chicago Technical Report TR-97-06, 1997.
Hyper-polynomial hierarchies and the NP-jump. Fenner, Homer, Pruim,
Schaefer, Theoretical Computer Science, 262, pp. 241256, 2001
Deciding the VC-dimension is sigma_3 complete. Schaefer;
Journal of
Computer and System Sciences, 58, 177–182, 1999.
Computational Geometry
Spiraling and Folding: The Topological View
(arxiv). Schaefer, Štefankovič,
Discrete &
Computational Geometry, 2023.
Spiraling and Folding: The Word View. Schaefer, Štefankovič, Sedgwick,
60(3), 609-626, 2011.
Computing Dehn Twists and Geometric Intersection Numbers in Polynomial Time,
Schaefer, Štefankovič, Sedgwick, CCCG, 2008.
Paired Pointset Traversal. Hui, Schaefer, ISAAC, 2004.
Algorithms for Normal Curves and Surfaces. Schaefer, Štefankovič,
Sedgwick, COCOON 2002, 370-380, 2002.
Computability Theory
Cuppability of Simple and Hypersimple sets.
Kummer, Schaefer; Notre-Dame Journal of Formal Logic, 48,
349-369, 2007.
Bounded Immunity and Btt-Reductions. Schaefer, Fenner; Mathematical
Logic Quarterly, 45, 1, 3–21, 1999.
A Guided Tour of Minimal Indices and Shortest Descriptions. Schaefer;
Archives for Mathematical Logic, 37, 521–548, 1998.
Computability Of Convex Sets . Kummer, Schaefer; STACS 1995.
Marcus Schaefer